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Safeguarding research integrity and standards in a changing research landscape

A free guide from Turnitin

Many academics are aware of the ongoing change in the research landscape spurred by the pandemic, but are less confident in navigating what it means for institutions’ research practices and output moving forward. Download our ebook to learn more about this timely topic.

Research efforts in the face of a global pandemic have underscored the importance of trustworthy research and its commercialisation, to find solutions to global challenges. But in light of shifting practices and emerging expectations around the speed and volume of research output, where does integrity and accountability stand?

For universities, research collaboration and commercialisation are growing priorities to help boost impact factor, contribute to revenue goals, and cultivate a national or global reputation for innovation. Their success hinges on responsible conduct of research and publication of their findings, so how can we better address research integrity moving forward and mitigate risk? Download our ebook to learn more about this timely topic.

What the ebook covers:

  1. The role of early intervention in building a culture of research integrity
  2. Mobilising international integrity standards and ethics to support research collaboration
  3. Navigating opportunities and challenges of research commercialisation by universities
  4. Mechanisms for upholding integrity within the research-writing process
  5. Risk mitigation strategies for research misconduct and avoiding fake, predatory journals
The task at hand for universities in maximising their return on research publication looms large. It means addressing factors such as researcher self-regulation versus independent oversight, authorship in increasingly layered, multi-authored work, international research principles to preserve integrity, and innovation through R&D.

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